
Semi Permeable Membranes


You know what you need to separate two areas with? Doors.

SceneKit scene with a door concept, made up of 4 rectangular boxes for the door, and a torus for the frame

I created 4 rectangular boxes to represent the door itself, and a torus to act as the frame. The reason I created 4 of them was so that I could move each independently. Early games would just move the door upwards, like a garage door. I could do that by moving all 4 boxes up. Or I could open from the middle by having the top 2 boxes go up, and the bottom 2 go down.

door in its closed state door in its opened state

I was surprised at how quickly this came together, and it works in reverse to close. I added some extra doors, and since my weapon removes things from the scene, I demolished some door segments:

3 doors, two of which have had their upper and bottom door sections destroyed

Attempting to navigate this just with keyboard controls was getting a bit tedious, so I added in mouse aiming, which doesn't really look much different from the perspective of a screenshot.

SceneKit scene after adding mouse control

Also, since I had some doors why not add some walls to the place:




Also since I was having to deal with creating a level, why not replace the rather nice default SceneKit model with something that better suited the place:

prototype ship model, with textures applied

I had somewhat also figured out how textures worked, so I decided to spruce up everything:

prototype ship model, in the level prototype, all with textures prototype ship model, in the level prototype, all with textures, firing the weapon

Up next is refining these concepts into more sophisticated versions. I was very excited to see what I could do with the doors.

Get Smart introductory credits, the famous hallway of doors