
Q2Model, Part 4


Ah, here's where the rubber hits the road. The first part of the problem was loading the Quake 2 Model and getting the information about the model.

    ident: 844121161, 
    version: 8, 
    skinwidth: 296, 
    skinheight: 164, 
    framesize: 1404, 
    num_skins: 0, 
    num_vertices: 341, 
    num_st: 465, 
    num_tris: 552, 
    num_glcmds: 2861, 
    num_frames: 198, 
    offset_skins: 68, 
    offset_st: 68, 
    offset_tris: 1928, 
    offset_frames: 8552, 
    offset_glcmds: 286544, 
    offset_end: 297988

That's the information/metadata provided by the Astroboy model. The ident is the magic number used to identify the file.

A "magic number" used to identify the file. The magic number is 844121161 in decimal (0x32504449 in hexadecimal). The magic number is equal to the int "IDP2" (id polygon 2), which is formed by ('I' + ('D' << 8) + ('P' << 16) + ('2' << 24)).

The GL commands, are an optimized way of sending in the model geometry into an OpenGL renderer. This was not something that was part of the Quake 1 Model format.

The next interesting bits are the vertices, the texture coordinates, the triangles, and the frames. The offsets tell you how many bytes into the file you need to read to access them.

With that information, you can begin to construct a version of the model, which is what I did:

Astroboy rendered in points, small Astroboy rendered in points, large

That's each vertex being drawn, potentially all 341 of them. From those 341 points you can create 552 triangles:

Astroboy rendered in wireframe

Q2Model, Part 3


The Plan

My original plan was to create a simple 3D game in the style of Wolfenstein 3D. Alternatively, if you grew up with a Macintosh you would presumably aim to create something in the style of Pathways into Darkness.

The idea being that if you keep your ambitions to just two-dimensions you get to avoid a lot of hard to solve problems. Generally this is because you don't have to deal with moving up or down, vertically. This prevents "rooms" from being stacked on top of each other, and having to implement either elevators, or elaborate ramps like we're building a ziggurat to the heavens. None of that, please.

I also thought about the option of storing maps as text:


World's crummiest rogue-like.

A hallway in Wolfenstein 3D

That's roughly what that would look like, helpfully represented in Wolfenstein 3D, a long hallway with a door at either end.

The first attempts

initial Xcode Metal Project

This is what you start with in Xcode, a spinning textured cube. I had already solved the problem of rendering a textured box, so I felt confident what I needed next was a model format.

Originally I started with a delightful Astroboy model by Jonny Gorden. Originally based off the work of Mighty Atom written and illustrated by Osamu Tezuka.

Astroboy Q2 Model

That's an animated gif created by the model's author.

Q2Model, Part 2


I found the Quake 2 Model format a lot easier to work with compared to its predecessor. That makes sense, I'd imagine iD figured out what works and what does not.

When I was working on my Quake model viewer, I noted that Quake 2 models contained an optimized implementation of essentially all the commands you'd need to pass to an OpenGL context. At the time I envisioned that's how I'd make it work.

That was quite some time ago, and the landscape has changed a bit. Modern 3D Graphics Pipeline

I was trying to get more familiar with Swift and Metal which is Apple's modern "Graphics Framework" in the vein of OpenGL 2.0+, Vulkan, DirectX.

I can't really speak to the others, other than to say Vulkan seems neat.

Metal by Tutorials

I picked up a book from the folks over at Kodeco formerly

This book will introduce you to graphics programming in Metal — Apple’s framework for programming on the GPU. Build a complete game engine in Metal! By Caroline Begbie & Marius Horga.

It's a very interesting book and I would highly recommend it. It gave me the information I needed to start work on this. At the point where I decided to start working on my own game engine, I had roughly gotten to the part where I could display a model on a plane, with lighting and shadows.

Train Model with Lighting

Q2Model, Part 1


Quake 2 Models

I should start by explaining what a Quake 2 model is.

In Quake 2 there are two sources of "geometries" that the game engine cares about.

There is the level itself which is a different topic entirely.

Screenshot from the first level of Quake 2

Then there are the occupants of the level:

Quake 2 Multiplayer Character Select

The enemies and other players (in multiplayer) are represented with a 3D Model.

Polygonal modelling – Points in 3D space, called vertices, are connected by line segments to form a polygon mesh. The vast majority of 3D models today are built as textured polygonal models, because they are flexible, because computers can render them so quickly. However, polygons are planar and can only approximate curved surfaces using many polygons. 1

Everything the game requires is contained within a couple of files.

MD2 Files

The above links go into far more detail than I will. The MD2 file contains everything required to generate an un-textured 3D Model. This is done by storing the model geometry (triangles), animations, and information about the texture mapping, and vertex normals.

The basic object used in mesh modelling is a vertex, a point in three-dimensional space. Two vertices connected by a straight line become an edge. Three vertices, connected to each other by three edges, define a triangle, which is the simplest polygon in Euclidean space. More complex polygons can be created out of multiple triangles, or as a single object with more than 3 vertices. Four sided polygons (generally referred to as quads) and triangles are the most common shapes used in polygonal modelling. 2

The important take-away here is that it's triangles, and how the graphics system draws a triangle matters greatly. The triangles are stored as 3 points in a 3-dimensional space (x,y,z coordinates).

Triangle Winding

The direction in which you unwind the points matters. This is used to determine which side of the triangle is "inside" or "outside". This applies to more complicated polygons as well, but we're going to be dealing with triangles for the most part.

Additionally there's a "header" at the start of the file that tells you information required to process it.

PCX Files

The other file required to actually display the model is the texture.

Imagine, if you will, a cube:

Cube with the primary colours on each side

If you flattened that cube out, you might end up with something like this:

A flattened cube, showing six sides, each with a primary colour

That is a crude version of how you can imagine a 2D image being applied to a 3D model.

UV mapping is the 3D modelling process of projecting a 3D model's surface to a 2D image for texture mapping. The letters "U" and "V" denote the axes of the 2D texture because "X", "Y", and "Z" are already used to denote the axes of the 3D object in model space, while "W" (in addition to XYZ) is used in calculating quaternion rotations, a common operation in computer graphics. 3


Each model will typically include several textures or variations on textures.

Grunt Texture Nightops Texture Sniper Texture

All of the textures for a Quake 2 model are stored in a format called PCX. It's a format originally from 1985.

That should be everything you need to know going into this.

Oh, hello there


I wanted to start a blog to try and build a feedback cycle.

I'm hoping to document the various adventures I have in game development.

Where to start?

princess irulan from Dune (1984)

A beginning is a very delicate time. Know then, that is is the year 10191. The known universe is ruled by the Padishah Emperor Shaddam the Fourth, my father. In this time, the most precious substance in the universe is the spice Melange. The spice extends life. The spice expands consciousness. The spice is vital to space travel.


Originally my plan was to start with a simple Wolfenstein 3D-esque game. Perhaps have the levels be a plain text file. That led me to learn quite a bit about Metal) which is where this will start.

I also required a name to start things with. Space is pretty vast, so let's go there.

Beta Lupi (Latinized from β Lupi) or Kekouan (/ˈkɛkwɑːn/), is a star in the southern constellation of Lupus.1

Lupus being the latin for Wolf.

Start where you leave off

A long time ago, but sadly lost to both time and space, I wrote a Quake Model Viewer in Objective-C and OpenGL.

So, I should probably start with Quake 2 this time. I thankfully was able to find things that are still accessible (but for how long!?).